Wednesday, 31 October 2018

German Literature Month VIII

Please add your reviews and contributions here.  If you don’t have a blog, you can link to your amazon or goodreads reviews.  We don’t want anyone to feel left out.

Monday, 29 October 2018


GLM VII was an excellent month in which many authors and titles made their debut appearance on #germanlitmonth.  Thank you to the 30 participating bloggers from around the globe for making this such a special event.

Bernhard: Heldenplatz 1 Kehlmann: The Mentor 1

Author Profile: Larissa Boehning 1
Six Degrees of Separation: From Less than Zero to The Inspector Barlach Mysteries 1 German Historians of the C18th and C19th 1
Random Book Covers and Illustrations: Gerstäcker 1 Schiller 1
Abonji: Fly Away, Pigeon 1 Ani: The Nameless Day 1 Arnim-Brentano: Goethe’s Correspondence with A Child 1 Bachmann: Malina 1 Bernhard: Three Days 1 Boehning: Swallow Summer 1 Böll: The Clown 1  Brentano: Fairy Tales / The Story of Brave Caspar and the Fair Annerl 1 Camenisch: The Alp 1 Behind the Station 1 Christ: Memoirs of A Superfluous Woman 1 Clavadetscher: Knochenlieder Döblin: Berlin Alexanderplatz 1 Drvenkar: Sorry 1 2 Ende: The Night of Wishes 1 Erpenbeck: Go, Went, Gone 1 Tand 1 Wolf amongst Wolves 1 Feuchtwanger: The Oppermanns 1 Fontane: Effi Briest 1 Frisch: Zurich Transit 1 Fühmann: The Jew Car 1    Gaponenko: Who is Martha? 1 Geltinger: Moor 1 Goethe: Elective Affinities 1 Goetz: Insane 1 Grasnojwa: The Legal Haziness of A Marriage 1 Haffner: Blood Brothers 1  Hansen: This House is Mine 1 Hebel: How A Ghastly Story Was Brought to Light by a Common or Garden Butcher’s Dog 1 The Treasure Chest 1 Heinrich: Cross of Iron 1 Helle: Euphoria 1  Hensel: Dance by The Canal 1 Hesse: Demian 1 Hilbig: A Temporary State 1 Hofmann: Parable of the Blind 1 Hoppe: Pigaletta 1 Huch: The Last Summer 1 Jelinek: In the Alps 1 The Piano Teacher 1  Jonke: The System of Vienna 1 Jünger: The Glass Bees 1 Kafka: Investigations of a Dog 1 Kehlmann: You Should Have Left 1 Keller: Stories 1 Keun: After Midnight 1 The Artificial Silk Girl 1 Kleist: An Earthquake in Chile 1 Kracht: Imperium - A Fiction of the South Seas 1 Kurbjuweit: Fear 1 Lehn: Aladdin, COB 1 Lernet-Holenia: Mona Lisa 1 Lewitscharroff: Apostoloff 1 Blumenberg 1 Mann: Buddenbrooks: A Literary Conversation 1 2 3 4 Markovíc: Superheldinnen (Superheroines) 1 Meier: Isle of the Dead 1 Meile: 3000€ 1 Perutz: Master of the Day of Judgment 1 Rammstedt: The King of China 1 Roth: Confessions of A Murderer 1 Ruge: In Times of Fading Light 1 Schnitzler: Casanova’s Homecoming 1 Late Fame 1 2 Night Games 1 Sebald: Austerlitz 1 The Description of Unhappiness 1 The Emigrants 1 The Rings of Saturn 1 Vertigo 1  Seethaler: The Tobacconist 1 Seiler: Kruso 1 Speck: Bella Germania 1 Stamm: Seven Years 1 Storm: Grieshuus 1 Suter: Allen and the Dragonflies 1 The Last Weynfeldt 1 Tawada : Memoirs of  Polar Bear 1 2  Urzidil: Borderlands 1 Siegelmann’s Journey 1 The Duchess of Alahambra 1 The Last Bell 1 Wagener: You’d Have Larvae Too 1 Wagner: Ice Moon 1 Wander: The Seventh Well 1 Wassermann: Kaspar Hauser - Inertia of the Heart 1 Wolf: August 1 The Quest for Christa T 1 Zeh: Eagles and Angels 1   Zehrer: Das Genie 1 Zweig: Compulsion 1 Journey into the Past 1 The Post-Office Girl 1 Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of A Woman and other stories 1
Adam: Lesen unter Hitler 1  Byung-Chul: The Burn-Out Society 1 Enzensberger: Tumult 1  Ribbat: In the Restaurant 1 2 3 Zweig: Genius and Discovery 1 Triumph and Disaster 1

The Non-Fiction Exception to the German Language Rule
Beachy: Gay Berlin - Birthplace of A New Identity 1

Gomringer: Moden 1

The Watch-As-You-Please GLM Fringe
Line of Separation 1 The Weissensee Saga 1